As part of GIZ’s Women4Peace project, we were asked to prepare four policy briefs for the countries Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Libya, informing policy makers and partners alike about certain gaps in the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 (Women, Peace and Security Agenda).

Communication and Visibility of Dialogue and Participation in Iraq
The project supported the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Promoting Dialogue and Participation in Iraq (PDP) project and its partners with strategic and practical measures to achieve increased impact and visibility of experiences on dialogue and participation in Iraq.

Fostering Diversity and Equality: Training Programme for Women’s Equal Participation Within Institutions in Iraq
The project’s objective is to support the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)’s project „Strengthening the participation of women in the rehabilitation and peace process in Iraq (SPW)” with the implementation of a long-term training programme to foster diversity and equality within institutions and organisations and thereby improve women’s participation in Iraq.

Quality and Effectiveness in Dialogue and Participation in Iraq
Elbarlament contributes to the GIZ Promoting dialogue and participation in Iraq (PDP) project with the project “Quality and Effectiveness in Dialogue and Participation in Iraq”, with the aim to advance and improve the processes and results of existing and ongoing processes as well as prepare future dialogue and participation (D&P) processes with enhanced governmental ownership.

Democracy moves: Socio-political participation of refugee women from Ukraine
The project will offer politically engaged refugee women from Ukraine the chance to learn about German democracy and the related political and civil society structures, both in theory and practice. Throughout the programme, refugee women from Ukraine will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about German democracy and the related political and civil society structures.

New Water Leaders for Iraq- a leadership programme to foster peace in Mesopotamia
The leadership programme “New Water Leaders for Iraq” responds to the challenges water resources in Iraq are facing: a strong deficit in coordinated and integrated water resource management paired with a deficit in leadership and conflict resolution skills among decision-makers, civil servants and other stakeholders in the water sector.