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Domestic violence campaign

  • Country: Iraq
  • Contact person: info@elbarlament.org
  • Duration of the project: August to November 2020
  • Project objective: Campaign on domestic violence. The video above was broadcasted for a duration of 30 days on public and private TV channels; reaching 85% of Iraqi households.
Project to Support the Parliament and Electoral Processes (Chad)
Schreiben: Mein Fenster zur Welt (DE)


Elbarlament collaborated with Baghdad Women’s Association for this project. BWA was created in 2004 in response to the suffering of the women of Iraq under the dictatorship and later by foreign occupational forces. The occupation led to the erosion of security in the country as well as a complete disruption of the society. Many women were widowed, their husbands, fathers and other male relatives were lost or killed and they were responsible for the protection, care and support of their children under these difficult circumstances. Rural women and girls were even more vulnerable under these conditions. This had a negative impact on women and young girls some of whom were forced into child marriages. Baghdad Women Association was formed to address the particular way in which women were affected by these events. Their vision is to combat all forms of violence against women and girls and ensuring legal protection, equality, respect and all human rights for women and girls.

The project is supported by the ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) programme “zivik”, with funds from the German Federal Foreign Office.

Concluded, Women, Peace and Security