General Meeting

Elbarlament e.V. is a membership-based association. The General Meeting of its members is the supreme organ of the association. The duties of the General Meeting include, in particular, the election and deselection of the Executive Board, approval of reports of the Executive Board, election of auditors, determination of contributions and their due dates, passing resolutions on amendments to the articles of association, passing resolutions on the dissolution of the association, taking decisions on the admission and expulsion of members in cases of appeal, and other tasks, insofar as these arise from the articles of association or by law. An ordinary general meeting takes place at least once a year.

Executive Board

The Executive Board represents the association in and out of court; it has the status of a legal representative. The Executive Board consists of at least two persons. One member of the Executive Board is appointed by elbarlament GmbH for three years. The other members of the Executive Board are elected by the General Meeting for a term of three years.

The Executive Board of elbarlament e.V. is composed of Dr. Birgit Laubach and Sebastian Bloching.
