”Women Write for Peace” – Online ToT-programme

As part of the project ‘Women Talking Peace’ elbarlamant e.V. is currently conducting a ToT-programme on creative writing titled ”Women Write for Peace”. Through online technical training and content-based writing workshops we aim to equip six very motivated women from Iraq who attended creative writing workshops in a previous project with elbarlament to become multipliers for peace, to strengthen their own self-confidence and support civil society. To this end, they will conduct their own creative writing workshops for peace and reconciliation in Iraq between October and December 2020.

Our team is very curious to implement the whole ToT-programme and the creative writing trainings online. The exclusive online communication is new to our team and especially a very challenging environment to deal with for our new trainers. This is why we started our ToT-programme with a workshop on ’’How to conduct a training online’’.

We will update you on this exciting process!

