2018: We are ready for a change

In 2018 elbarlament became elbarlament – “cultures of democracy”. This describes our vision and mission: All cultures deserve respect and must be able to develop freely. All people have a voice and should have the opportunity to shape politics and culture in their country. To achieve this, structures must be created and people, especially women, must be supported to participate in the democratic process. Creative and cultural activity as well as democratic change are inevitable interrelated.
Cultural activities and art-based approaches contribute to conflict transformation and peace building, helping people to overcome war-related trauma.
Whether conducting a study visit to Estonia assessing local public institutions’ capacities for an effective and efficient use of EU funds, hosting a panel discussion about the future of Iraq after the 2018 elections, conducting leadership workshops for female Syrian refugees or creating a children’s book – we had a lot to do in 2018.

Read more – download our Annual Report 2018. » Download Report