Women think Iraq anew: Project workshop, Erbil
In our second workshop in 2019 in Erbil, we discussed necessary amendments to Iraqi legislation such as the Personal Status law and the Nationality and ID Card laws, with a view to improving the legal situation of women and their children that are born out of rape. Our core group of female project participants from civil society, the legal profession and politics, agreed on amendments to the “Yezidi Bill” that is currently discussed in the Iraqi parliament.
It would be a big step if mothers of children born out of forced marriage and rape, for instance by members of Daesh, could pass on their religion and family names to their children. It is even more important since the Yazidi community published a statement yesterday that they will not accept children of Daesh fathers back in their society.
Our women are submitting the amendments to the parliament in two days. Great work every one !

The project “women think Iraq anew – elbarlament in Iraq 2019” is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office through funds by ifa.