Policy talk on the future of Iraq, 30 May 2018
What are the challenges and opportunities following the 2018 parliamentary elections in Iraq, especially for women? Where is the country heading and what are the prospects for effective and democratic state building?
On May 30, 2018 elbarlament – cultures of democracy hosted a panel discussion about the future of Iraq after the parliamentary elections at the Heinrich Böll Stiftung in Berlin. Spiegel journalist and Iraq expert Christoph Reuter, the Bagdad born Austrian journalist Tyma Kraitt and Dr. Birgit Laubach, Partner and Managing Director of elbarlament – cultures of democracy discussed about opportunities for state building and perspectives for women.
The event was a part of the project “Women think Iraq anew – elbarlament in Iraq 2018“, which was supported by the ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) programme “zivik”, with funds from the German Federal Foreign Office.